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Workflow Process Automation

Reduce manual tasks and administrative burden with intelligent process automation.

Enlighta solutions are trusted by

No-Code Process Automation

Easily create and modify workflows without coding.
  • Built-in Workflow Automation: Enlighta Spice supports out-of-box workflow processes that can be tailored for your workflows and process automation requirements.

  • Workflow Design and Process Automation: Enlighta Spice workflow automation capabilities support : 
    • Trigger actions like sending emails, generating alerts, or launching custom actions at specific points in your process.
    • Handle complex scenarios with branching logic that automatically routes tasks based on specific conditions.
    • Simplify approvals with multi-level configurations and ensure accountability with complete audit trails.

  • Monitoring and Process Optimization: Monitor process performance in real-time with insightful dashboards tracking cycle times and volumes.

Enlighta Spice Advantage


Streamline onboarding, contracting, performance, compliance, and risk monitoring and management with one platform.


Tailor everything from assessments to workflows without code and integrate internal and external data feeds and systems with Enlighta Spice.


Leverage advanced machine learning rules and NLP to automate contract identification and generation as well as clause extraction, analysis, and updates.


End-to-end encryption, standalone application deployments, and regular vulnerability assessments guarantee your data’s security.


Automated backups, high availability, and uptime SLAs ensure consistent performance and uninterrupted reliability for you and your third-parties.


Start small and scale to thousands of vendors, contracts, and users with our modular platform and flexible subscription plans.